Ensuring your commercial property is an accessible environment for all.

Accessibility Audits


The Equality Act 2010 requires that employers and service providers make what are referred to as 'reasonable adjustments' to deliver accessible environments to avoid discrimination.

By its very nature, this is a subjective assessment, requiring a comprehensive knowledge of access requirements, building components and a keen eye for detail.


External Environment

An access audit is a means of accessing a building and its surroundings and services in terms of its accessibility, taking account of any potential barriers or obstructions that may make certain areas or services less easy to reach or use for certain people.

This includes the external elements of the property which may hinder the accessibility of the building.

The two key areas for consideration here are:

  •  The building approach including pavements, lighting, car parking, signage, ramps and steps and

  • the building entrance including visual identification and doors. 

Internal Circulation Routes

Once inside the property, there are significant implications in terms of facilitating the safe and appropriate means of access and circulation around all areas of the building.

Particular areas in need of attention include:

  • Staff and public spaces, including reception areas, desks and service counters, signage, flooring, seating,

  • horizontal circulation routes,

  • stairs and passenger lifts and

  • sanitary facilities.

Communication & Acoustics

This is a frequently overlooked element of property accessibility, being less visible than the ramps and handrails with which we are more accustomed to seeing.

But, it is nonetheless essential to ensure safe and equitable access to your property for all potential users.


Looking for assistance with dilapidations?

If your commercial property is reaching the end of a lease term, get in touch to discuss dilapidations, costs, valuations and legal issues upon lease expiry.