Better know the boundaries with our party wall services.

Party Walls Matter


Managing relations between neighbours when construction, extension or maintenance works are afoot is a breeding ground for potential dispute. Allow us to oversee the process, support and guide the works and ensure a peaceful resolution with our party wall services.


What’s in a Wall?

The Party Wall etc Act 1996 is the framework for preventing and resolving disputes in relation to shared (party) walls, boundary walls, and excavations for near neighbouring buildings.

Whilst the Act can appear restrictive, the intent is facilitate building works whilst affording protection to the wall or structure.

With early intervention from a professional, you can ensure that each party involved is clear about the nature and scope of any planned works, as well as the implications for the other, which is essential if a dispute is to be avoided or successfully resolved.

And that is why we suggest involving us at the very earliest stages of the works, to ensure that the appropriate processes are in place to provide adequate protection for all involved.

Undertaking Works?

If you are planning works to, or near, a shared property boundary contact us to discuss how we can ensure that:

  • a party-wall surveyor is involved in planning stages of any works,

  • the building owner’s duties are understood and adhered to throughout the process,

  • a clear and comprehensive Schedule of Condition is prepared and referenced within the Party Wall Award,

  • the decision making processes and construction works are undertaken in a time-efficient manner, and

  • any cost implications are kept to the minimum.

Received a Party Wall Notice?

If you have found yourself at the centre of a party wall dispute, please get in touch as soon as possible for advice on how we can help resolve the situation with the minimum cost or inconvenience.